Executive Chef

Ajay Pawar

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only get delivery from one restaurant, which restaurant would it be and why?
11, Madision Park, NY

Where are you coming from?
I have worked across various hatted restaurants in Melbourne’s (Pure South, The Deanery, Living room) for almost 10 yrs before migrating to NSW to work in Emirates One & only Wolgan valley resort. I was group executive chef of The Catering Company and Aston Lucas Gourmet for last 6 years.

I have performed in 17 various plays and directed about 10 plays so far.

Favourite TV show / movie?
Big Bang theory, How I met your Mother, Money Heist

I write songs, plays in Marathi (My Native Language), I direct musical shows and cover albums, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCuIENO5F54

If you could have lunch with any person from the past, who would you choose?
Anne Frank, I would take her to rooftop garden where she could enjoy open sky, and breath the fresh air. I would order anything she want and pay for her bill.

What was the first concert you ever attended?
Oasis, Melt Festival, Germany 2009

If you were being introduced at a conference, what would your walk out music be?
John Cena Entrance

How did you first learn of Nudo?
Through Refresh Hospitality

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